Wednesday, November 4, 2009

5 Steps to Accomplishing Your Goals

So this week, I signed up to participate in Rebecca Thorman's Monthly Goals Meet-up. I'm actually late signing up because she's already done a mid-week check-in but I will take this time to get my goals ready for October. I need to think of what I really want and not what people think I should want.

One of the things I've decided is that I want to stop the numbers from going up on the scale. I also don't want to have to take any medication for anything as I get older. In my family almost all of the women have diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol. So I've taken steps, small action steps, to accomplish this goal and so far I've lost a pound and a half.

But let's talk about your goals. Have you set a goal only to push it off ‘til next time when the temptation to quit draws near or your goal starts to look like it won't happen?

I think when people set goals they focus too hard on the big picture. By that I mean, they don't break down their goal into small action steps. They try to do everything at the same time to go for that big goal and if it doesn't transpire fast enough they quit.

So when you are setting your goals:

  • Dream BIG! Set a huge but obtainable goal, however you define it. You need to create something big to make sure you are stretching and challenging yourself. Goals that are easily accomplished are just not that fun, in my opinion. But again it is how you define what a huge goal is for you.
  • Think of the small action steps you can take to accomplish your big goal. As I mentioned earlier, you don't have to accomplish your big goal in one shot. If you just look at the entire picture continuously you will undoubtedly become discouraged and abandon your goal. And we definitely don't want that to happen so instead break up your goal into bite-sized actions, and as you accomplish the small actions, celebrate. Don't wait until the main objective is accomplished. Of course celebrate when the main mission is completed but be proud of the action steps you are taking along the way.
  • Write down your plan. Now that you have a goal, have thought it through, make sure to write it down somewhere. And keep a small notebook and pen on you at all times. You never know when a new idea might come to you that will push you further along your path.
  • Tell someone so they can hold you accountable and share in your small and huge successes. When something good happens to you don't you love telling someone and having them be just as excited for you? I know I do.
  • Get started. I'm talking RIGHT NOW!
I keep using the phrase small action steps because I want to stress that you can do all the positive thinking in the world but if you are not taking action to accomplish that goal you will not get what you want. It takes action.

I really hope that you will take time over the week to really think about what you want to do with your life, where are you going, and plan how you are going to get there. When you come up with an idea of what you want and you are not sure if you really want it, trust yourself and take note of how you feel about that idea. Does it feel good? Do you get excited about the idea? Then do it! But if it doesn't stir any emotion in you or you feel stressed or panicked about it, then don't do it. Be brave and trust that you are the only one who knows what you should do with your life.

Please share with me your huge goals and how you plan to accomplish them with your small action steps.

Have a stellar week,

You can find more of ChaChanna's wisdom on her site Twentity.com: What Your Parents and Professors Never Taught You About Life After College.

1 comment:

  1. These are great steps. So simple yet major. As simple as they seem you may not realize just how major they are until you actually do it. And once you start the opportunities seem to snowball. I love how plainly you expressed them. It makes them seem so doable.
