Monday, April 5, 2010

Book Review: Life After College

We're bringing you a book review each month for an extra bit of motivation:

For those of you counting down your final college days, we want to help you prepare you for your after college life. We understand that the last thing you want to do is pick up another book but we promise that the pleasurable reads we're going to share with you are so much easier to get through than some of the gibberish material your professors make you read.

In this course Real Life: 101, the first assigned reading on the syllabus is Life After College: What Your Parents and Professors Never Taught You.

In this text, life after college expert ChaChanna Simpson shares simply stated advice on various difficult situations that recent graduations face: moving back home versus getting your first apartment; preparing for, obtaining, and doing well at your job. She breaks down finances: budgeting, credit scores, health and life insurance, even preparing for retirement. Not only does this text equip you with the basics to start your adult life, but ChaChanna's website dedicated to twenty-somethings Twentity.com offers even more guidance for day to day motivation.

For extra credit, please review the additional resource, Amy DuBois Barnett's Get Yours! How to Have Everything You Dreamed of and More:

This girlfriends’ guide answers many of the questions we have struggled with: how to grab your dream job; how to turn your house (or apartment, or even room) into a space that makes you feel good; how to become financially independent; how to find your personal style. She promotes getting healthy the happy way, without the taboo and stress of abusive diets; She also challenges the reader to reach beyond her comfort zone and to use fear as a motivator rather than an inhibitor. Yes, ladies she even offers advises on relationships. She also encourages the reader to ground herself with an appreciation of not her existence but also the existence of the life that surrounds her.
(read the entire review)

We highly recommend this book! It will give you a boost of motivation to jump start your life in the real world.

ChaChanna was gracious enough to stop by to share some words of wisdom:

"Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach." --Tony Robbins

My challenge to you today is for you to go back and look at any goals you may have given up on. (You did write them down, right?)
Are there any goals you still would like to reach the light of day?
Revisit what got in the way and ask yourself:
  • How else can I accomplish this goal? (Write down all your ideas, no matter how outrageous. Don't restrict yourself. You can go back later and choose the ones that will work.)
  • Who can help me get this? (Get someone you trust who will support your ideas.)
  • What resources do I need? (You may not have or know everything yet to reach that goal. So find out what you need to know.)

Get those mind juices flowing and get to work on what you want. I'd hate for you to keep depriving the world and yourself of your unique talents. It's really selfish of you.

Photo source: Women Reading to Enhance and Enrich Lives

1 comment:

  1. I love the quotation and advice that ChaChanna shared. Sometimes we get discouraged when things don't go as planned but we can still accomplish our goals even if we have a take a different approach. Especially during this unique time in history, creative approaches are even more important.
